6 of Wands: Play Your Cards Right

“Play your cards right and it could be all yours!’

This is the card of ‘Victory’ and ‘Valor’. It is a card which is positive and if it comes up in response to a question about a legal matter, for example: How am I doing, will the court battle work in my favor? The answer could be: It all looks to be favorable and success could be on the cards but you are not quite there yet. However, if the ‘subject matter’ of the question is something which is of ‘true spirit’ and of ‘good intention’ be confident you are on the right track.

Tarot Insiders Tip: look at the body language of the horse, see how it has its head turned to the side, even though it carries a ‘Victorious’ one, this horse could unseat the Victor easily. Success is a precarious state – Triumph and Disaster rule equally!

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